Day 210 June 3, 2002

I got back up to the cabin in the early afternoon after my usual stop at the Home Depot. I'm trying to find 3 more knobs matching the ones on my cabinets, but so far I'm SOL. I won't give up. With the kitchen done except for the stove and microwave which will have to wait until I get some more money, I turn to tying up loose ends. I need to get the other two beams up against the log gable wall. I have put it off because they are heavy (13'x 6"x 8"). No time like the present I never say. Up it goes.

I also put in my new phone. The old one burned up when lightning struck a tree outside the sliding door. I was talking to my brother Damien at the time, and looking out the window when the flash came down. Glad it was a cordless. I'm also glad I was there when it happened because of the amount of smoke that came out of the phone base. I shudder to think of losing the cabin to fire after all this work.

5 hours, nasty storms including one tornado!


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