Day 50 Thursday, September 20, 2001

When it is raining I can sleep in guilt free. For a little while at least. I got up and checked the weather report. Rain all day and night is predicted. I guess I won't finish the foundation in time for Timmy, Dave and Darrin's arrival Saturday. I had planned on "capping" the foundation this weekend. That is what they call putting on the first floor and main beam. Well you can't fight mother nature. Or can you? I get the "Easy Up" canopy, rope and tarp. I set up the Easy Up (which is not at all easy to put up alone. With two people it takes about 2 minutes. With one it is an exercise in frustration lasting much longer). I tie a rope from one corner anchor bolt to another. (That's NOT what they are for!) and hang the tarp over it. I lay about 30 blocks this way. The mortar sets up very slowly in these conditions, so I limit the number of blocks. Its only 30 but every little bit helps.

Tonight my sister Jen and her kids Ryan and Lauren are coming up to visit and camp for the night. The kids have never camped and are excited to use their new lanterns. I am going to start a campfire if at all possible.

6 hours, rain all day about 72.


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