Day 135 January 21, 2002

MLK day. How racist do you have to be not to want to have today off? Why are some places open? Anyway, I digress. First order of business is to cut some firewood. This is usually not a problem, but there is well over a foot of snow up here on the hill. I had to plow myself up the driveway to get here. It took me a few tries to get up to where I keep the plow about half way up the driveway. If Laurie had been with me, I picture her with her eyes closed as I fly up the hill in 4 wheel high sliding around. Fun. I think I'll move it a little closer to the road. I dug to my wood pile and pulled back the tarp and cut a mess of wood. I brought it inside and stacked it in my new firewood hoop. Stored near the stove the wood dries out quickly. That done and the cabin warm, I meander about readjusting to the quiet life (I live with my young niece and nephew) and the business at hand. Mostly I did a lot of thinking, figuring and planning. To the casual observer, it would look like I was just standing around.

10 hours, cold and snow showers.


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