Day 145 January 31, 2002

I spent the entire day building the staircase to the loft. 6 stringers, 11 steps. A lot of careful layout and cutting. So far it looks great.

I don't have the lumber for the treads yet. I am going to use 2x10 planks for treads even though they aren't the nicest choice for stair treads. The oak stair tread material I have found so far is roughly 5 times more money, money I don't have. I could always install fancy ones at a later date if I hit the lottery or something. Since the inboard stringer is nailed to the wall, I put the drywall up on the wall first. Its heavy and awkward to do alone, but at least it was high up over the stair opening, so I've got that going for me. I can hear it now…"son, how did you break your neck?". "I fell down the stair opening". "You fell down the stairs?". "No, I fell down the opening where the stairs are going to be". I think I'll be careful. Speaking of careful, I did fall on my ass right outside the door. Freezing rain! The nerve!

12 hours, freezing rain as colorfully noted above.


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