Day 150 February 9, 2002

Laurie and I got up and had a productive and fun (to me) day working. She put 2 coats of polyurethane on all the windows.

I finished making square outlet holes in the logs. I'm happy to report that every one met up with it's drilled hole. Then we attacked the task of fishing a wire up the groove I made in the back of the floor-to-ceiling 6x8 beam that is between the 2 big windows. I put the groove in there so I could hide the wire to the ceiling light and fan. I brought the big extension ladder back in the living room, nailed the son-of-a-bitch to the floor and climbed up to the top. I fed the wire down until Laurie could see it outside between the windows. I got the Big Yellow One and put the bucket up and climbed up. I had previously fed the fish wire, a coiled metal device for pulling wires, up from the switch box in the beam. Now I connected the wires to the fish tape and Laurie pulled while I pushed. Success. The wires came out in the switch box with minimal trouble. That is another hurdle overcome. We celebrate by going out to dinner, NOT at the diner! A new place in Liberty, Dave will love this, called "Cobblers". We chose chocolate cake over the cobbler, sorry Dave.

10 hours, sunny and chilly.


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