Day 253 August 21, 2002
First order of business is to put the final coat of poly on the last collar tie. Man that stuff reeks!
I had the windows open and the fans on high, but it was still nasty. I will be using the water based stuff on
my floor. The best part of the day was taking down the top scaffolding. I put it in Vanna (I call my white van
Vanna White), I'm DONE with it. Back to Timmy it goes, thanks Timmy!
Next order of business is to build a little "closet' to hide the plumbing vent pipe. If I make it about
2 feet deep I can store blankets and stuff in there and it gives me a place to put an outlet in. Code, you know.
No more than 12 feet between outlets.
10 hours, nice out again.