Day 28, Wednesday, August 29, 2001

Up at 8 and straight out to move gravel into the hole. I need to get the basement drains glued up and the remaining gravel distributed evenly around the basement. The gravel will hold the forms in place and will be the base under the basement slab. I also need to get the re-bar put in the forms and then I can call code enforcement for an inspection. The formwork needs to be inspected before the concrete is placed, not to see if your carpentry is strong, but to make sure the footing will be deep enough. The footing has to be below the frost line, which is four feet around these parts. Mine are seven feet down due to the fact I have a basement.

Man it is hot! And the leaves are already turning. Will I get this cabin closed in by winter? Time will tell.

I get the pipes glued up, the gravel spread and the re-bar put in. The forms are DONE.

I'm on a roll. I call and get an appointment for 11 AM tomorrow for my inspection. Being an optimist, nudge nudge, wink wink, I schedule the concrete truck for Friday at 1 PM. Jason is coming up to help with the pour. Laurie is coming up tomorrow.

My chronically sore back is more sore than usual so I an taking Tylenol so I can keep working. I clean up all the tools and head in. Before I go in, I decide to change that two inch ball valve on the rusty old well truck. I figure if I get wet, I'm heading for the shower anyway. I almost shit when I saw how much the new valve was. $70.00. Where is my Home Depot??? Mr. Geotz better pay for that. Now, I am not built to work on big trucks and change these big valves. I'm a regular sized guy. I struggle a little with the 36 inch wrench and hydraulic jack. I get the valve loose and prepare the new one. It has to be screwed on while water pours out of a two inch diameter pipe. Off comes the old one and a torrent of water follows. Its like a keystone cops show trying to thread on the new one, but it finally goes on. I get wet.

10 Hours, hot and sunny around 80.


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