Day 43, Thursday September 13, 2001
I stink. I don't mean as a mason or a builder. I mean I smell. The flies are following me around. Better shower
tonight. Maybe I've shared too much? Didn't need to know that, huh? Sorry.
The time flies by up here. Its amazing. When you are at work (or the DMV), time practically stands still. Up here
I start at 8 because I can't get up any earlier, I do a few things and its lunch time. I do a few more things and its
dark. Speaking of dark, its getting dark at 7:15 now. The katydids start singing just around then. They used to start at
8 PM. Fall is here. The leaves are falling, mostly just the maples. They fall into my mortar and basement. Bright red
ones. I better hurry up. Its supposed to dip into the 30's one night this week. Ack!
Big day today. I built up one of the corners to the top. The top! Twelfth course. That's much higher than you think.
I can see the corner from the camper! Its coming right up out of the ground like they said it would! Cool.

Tomorrow I'd like to do another, but the forecast isn't good. I hope I get a few done at least.
The remainder of my block, mortar, rebar etc. came today. The truck couldn't put the blocks into the basement as
I had hoped. Looks like somebody has to move
500 blocks...