Day 45 Saturday, September 15, 2001
Today we have a guest speaker. Mr. Darrin Schlegel,
my good friend and co-worker, he worked beside Laurie, me, and Laurie's brothers Timmy and Darren. Ladies and
..Darrin Schlegel
I learned how to lay cinder block foundation, with "mud" expertly mixed by Laurie the mud queen.
She has provided consistent consistency, for the entire day. It has been a great learning experience, and Laurie's
brothers made it fun. Bill is very good with the trowel, he is doing an incredible job. If you have only seen the
web site you haven't gotten the entire scope of this job.

We went down to the local diner for dinner and saw some local folk.
Tomorrow, more blocks, and hopefully finish the two short walls. Its hard work but it isn't cars. It is very cold
up here tonight, and I am ready to sleep.
Darrin S.
Me, Darrin, Timmy and Darren:

Billy here...I want to thank Laurie, Timmy, my brother Darrin and my other brother Darren whose help is sincerely
appreciated. A tremendous effort, with quality work by all.