Day 46 Sunday, September 16, 2001
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you my better half, my sunshine, my spark, my happiness, Laurie
Hey there! Mud Queen here
she who makes the mortar
mighty and cleans her carousel of concrete with a smile and a
hose with no water pressure
now bow before your computers and
chant "we are not worthy O High Mudness." It is possible that
I am drunk with power
or maybe exhaustion. The foreman here
runs a tight ship---up at dawn, work 'til he's hungry--back to
the hole
work 'til it's dark. We get 1 bathroom break and then
are expected to just sit on a cinder block and tell everyone not
to look...(And multiple uses of the same block is encouraged. We
don't have THAT many extra.) After dark it's gruel and beans for
dinner then lights out by 9:30 ("and NO GIGGLING or I'm coming
down there!") Oh, wait-that was my mom at my sleepovers. Sorry-I
digress. As we sleep, a tape is played softly with the words
"lay block, mix mortar, fast, yet accurate
lay block, mix mortar,
etc." You get the picture.
We do have fun in the hole, though. Yesterday, we learned
that it takes 2 Post brothers to every 1 Billy to get the same
amount of blocks laid. Timmy does the buttering of laid block
and Darren corrects him. Then Darren butters the blocks to be
laid, and Timmy corrects him. Together they lay the block, then
gently press it into place, scream a few hallelujahs, high-five
one another and then admire their amazing teamwork. Although not
the most efficient system, they are quite accurate, and it's fun
to watch and even better to listen to. "Darren--we lay beautiful
block together." "Timmy--I couldn't have done it without your
guidance." Maybe I'm not quoting, but their words weren't all
fit for print.
Today, Darrin S and I and Billy were up early to feast upon poptarts and cookies for breakfast. Out to the hole to mix and lay. (could that be
the title to a porn movie??) Billy did half of one long wall ALL THE WAY TO THE TOP!!!! It's pretty tall. If it weren't already dug, I'd ask him
why on earth he needs an 8 foot ceiling. So here's what I saw. I mixed, Darrin laid block and Billy worked his way to the top then stuffed a bunch
of newspapers in the holes (on the top course, this is). Then he put some threaded metal rods in the top blocks then put
a 8" by 2" piece of wood (with a hole in it) onto the threaded end. There was some cursing, then he used a saw or a drill or
SOME tool that makes a lot of noise and came from the shed with a smile. He tried it again and again and eventually he was happy. (I'm sure that my
description matches 90% of wives everywhere who have watched their husbands do whatever it was that Billy was doing that was so important.) Whatever
he was doing, he only has to do 30 more times.
Darrin laid block with a smile and sore left wrist. Going back across the wall he just finished means doing things lefty and Darrin
never complained. Happy to hear Billy's melodious singing voice once again, he smiled politely
and pressed on. God bless him. If not previously stated anywhere on this website, I have NO NATURAL TALENT and very little ability to learn about
laying block (or hammering beams or actually ANYTHING to do with building at all
) so I am grateful to ALL who come to help.
Gotta go. The lights are going out and I hear the tape coming on.
Billy here...I might have to rethink the first paragraph....
The mud queen looks over her castle: