Day 62 Tuesday, October 2, 2001

Helllllloooooo out there! Mistress of Mud here. I've retired from the world of mortar and advanced to the bath of BUTYLOG. There's no mixing and it comes in sort of a "fruit rollup" packaging, but the premise is the same, "Prepare the sticky stuff so the King's work is easier!" I know my role, and I happen to be the greatest possible BUTYLOG babe he's got. (It's actually quite simple. We've all stuck gum to SOMETHING in our lives before...why not logs?)

As a reward for my excellent work, I was taught how to SPLINE. This is like putting icing in a hole and then filling the hole with melba toast. (It can be fun and gooey, but I seem to get the stuff all over everything and the foreman has his issues with that...)

Speaking of the foreman, Billy left this morning at 8:30 to go get some man tools and grunt with some guys at the lumberyard. I was granted a late morning of sleep in the OH-SO -SPACIOUS queen bed of the cottage (read "camper") and was eternally grateful. (I drove home yesterday morning and back again last night.) When he returned, he was flying high about some new 18" auger bit that was gonna change his life. He already HAD an auger bit, but it turns out that SIZE DOES MATTER. He was grunting and howling like a lunatic at its efficiency and what-not while I tried to find log 4F. In the meantime, STUPID 6M fell on my foot and I thought of words NOT becoming of a lady (and if it weren't for the fact that I sleep with the foreman, 6M would have been firewood.)

SO ANYWAY, we finished courses 3, 4 and part of 5. It looks like a big fort with no roof...kinda cool, actually. Tonight, we're going to the Days Inn. It's time for Billy's monthly shower (that uses more than 2 gallons of water.) He's going willingly. He needs the bed and the bath. After both, I'll get back to you on that size DOES matter issue...


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