Day 30, August 31, 2001
Today is the day. Will a full sized cement mixer get
up the driveway? Will it rain? Will the forms hold up? Will
Jason arrive on time? Will we run short of concrete? Well
yes, yes, no, no. It went great. In about 2 frantic hours we
had all the concrete placed.
My Crew:

It was tough, but we did it. Jason was
invaluable; he and I moved the concrete and Laurie screeded
it level. The forms didn't move. The driver, Joe was great.
Joe from Cranesville Block:

He was patient and made it as easy for us as he could. Thank you
Joe! We finished at 2 PM and went to the diner to celebrate.
While at the diner, I heard on the radio about a severe
thunderstorm watch. I went outside to look up. Not good.
I hurried Jay and Laurie up to go back to camp to cover the
fresh concrete. We got there and it didn't rain. They ribbed
me, of course. We covered it anyway to keep in the moisture to
allow a slow cure for maximum strength. It rained later. Ha.
Jason took a spin on my quad.

We split some wood and talked by the fire. A great day on the
hill. A big Thank You to Laurie and Brother Jason.
6 Hours, cloudy with rain showers.