Day 41, Tuesday, September 11, 2001
Up early and laying blocks. It is a spectacular day.
A cool fall breeze blows peacefully. I'm listening to a book
(The Pilot's Wife) and working on my mason skills. I am
improving, and lay 30 level and plumb blocks in 3 hours.
I feel like this is a good pace, considering that includes
mixing the mortar, moving the blocks, cleaning the mixer, etc.
I take a quick break to dig a new commode. My day and many
others' went to shit at the same time. As I was passing the
camper I heard the message alert on my answering machine beep.
As I listened to Laurie's message telling me what had happened
in New York City, my heart sank. Those poor innocent people,
who have done nothing wrong, maimed and killed for what? I
know there is no "why". I try to call home but all lines are
busy in Flemington. I can get online and check my e-mail.
Miraculously, Jason, Robby and Mike are all OK. Laurie is on
her way home because the JCC closed. For the first time since
I've been up here I feel lonely. I had always thought of myself
like the song lyrics: "off the beaten path I roam, by myself but not alone, nomad, wanderer, call me what you will".
Now I feel alone. I am alone. The peace and quiet now seem eerily wrong. Everything feels wrong. No planes fly overhead.
I vacillate between overwhelming sadness and deep desire to inflict immense pain on these animals. I feel selfish and
cold working on a vacation house now. The fun and excitement has been replaced with hard work punctuated by images of
chaos and death. Numb, I press on.